Billingborough Primary School is part of CIT Academies
01529 240437


In September 2019, we joined the East Midlands East (EME) Maths Hub Mastery Work group. This has allowed us to work alongside other schools to develop mastery in mathematics and it has also meant we have had individualised support.

We currently use the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to deliver our mathematics; this is alongside quality first teaching.

Class Teachers may set remote work via Times Tables Rock Stars or their younger counterparts, Numbots. Children will have been given their log-in details, these will have been stuck inside their reading record book(Key Stage 1) or orange planner (Key Stage 2).

Play Times Table Rock StarsPlay Numbots

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent with the fundamentals of maths. At Billingborough we will follow these principles through the frequent practice of a range of increasingly complex problems, thus our children develop conceptual understanding. As they learn they increase their skills of recall and become confident in applying their new skills rapidly and accurately.

We want our children to reason mathematically so they are equipped to manage the challenges that “real life” maths will throw at them. To be able to solve problems by applying the skills learnt in other lessons, breaking them down into steps and using our school value of perseverance to try and seek solutions.

There is a focus on using mathematical language throughout, spoken , read and written (with the correct spelling).

Children need to experience maths at home too so we ask for parent’s support with homework. Firstly by trying to include as much real life maths in everyday family life as you can. In addition by helping learn key skills such as number bonds and multiplication facts. Finally by helping with homework activities sent home from your child’s class teacher.

The Celebrating Maths Project

For Age 4-5

Helping parents to enjoy mathematics with their children.

For Age 6-7

Helping parents to enjoy mathematics with their children.

For Age 8+

Helping parents to enjoy mathematics with their children.

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