Billingborough Primary School is part of CIT Academies
01529 240437


The Intent of our Curriculum

At Billingborough Primary School we aim to provide learning experiences which will:

– Enable children to be successful learners
– Prepare our children for the next stage of their learning, and beyond
– Develop confident individuals, who are able to lead safe, healthy, fulfilling lives
– Prepare pupils to make a positive contribution to live in modern Britain

At Billingborough we promote a family ethos and we are proud to provide successful inclusion and a commitment to developing well-rounded individuals who are ready to take their place in the wider world. Our school aims and values demonstrate our ambition for our pupils and our belief that we should educate the whole child. We have developed our curriculum to impact on academic standards and our pupils’ personal development and well-being. Underpinning everything we do is SEMSC (Social, Emotional, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Education). Having considered our aims, the life experiences of our learners and the needs of our children, we have adopted DIVERSITY as the curriculum driver to underpin and shape learning in our school:

Throughout our curriculum, we aim to promote an awareness of diversity in all its forms:

– promoting cultural awareness and celebrating diversity;
– being aware that people have different needs;
– awareness of the variety of skills/strengths/merits of others;
– an appreciation of each other;
– valuing the opinions & beliefs of others;
– challenging stereotypes;
– promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs;
– and global awareness.

Reading is also a key component in our curriculum. Alongside the teaching of phonics and reading skills, these are practised in cross curricular activities. To build cultural capital and ensure that all our pupils are exposed to a range of genres and styles we have designed our reading curriculum to ensure it is rich and diverse providing engagement, enjoyment and challenge.

Due to the nature of our mixed year groups, the curriculum at Billingborough is designed to follow a 2 year rolling programme, based on the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage. We offer breadth and depth of learning through a sequence of knowledge and skills acquisition.

Knowledge, which we have considered to be essential to build cultural capital and life-long learning, will be taught within and between subjects in meaningful ways following our knowledge progression documents, and this will be supported by our skills progression documents that identify skills (procedural knowledge) that will support pupils in developing the traits of being a geographer, historian etc. By considering both aspects of learning within our curriculum, we plan for children to apply their knowledge and transfer their skills to new situations, thus equipping them with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to optimise their opportunities, both in the next stage of their learning and for future success. When planning knowledge acquisition, we also consider the importance of vocabulary development. By planning to teach specific new vocabulary, we are intent on making vocabulary more transferable – within subjects and across subjects.

To find out more about our school curriculum visit the subject page, or come in and talk to our teachers. We would be more than happy to talk to you in greater detail about the curriculum we offer your children.

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