At Billingborough Primary School our nutritous lunchtime meals are provided by
Ideal School Meals
We offer children the opportunity to have a hot, nutritious meal every day which is low in salt, sugar and saturated fat. These meals offer a fun and social way of eating and help to improve concentration in class. They can also save you time and money!
For Reception, Year One and Year Two, meals are provided free of charge by the DfE and in KS2 meals can be ordered and paid for.
The menu is varied throughout the term to provide a balanced diet. Meals can be ordered by registering at: The deadline for meal orders for the following week will be each Monday at midnight.
If you have any queries, please contact the school office or Ideal Meals on 01522 246424. Alternatively, you can email on:
Please scroll down the page for packed lunch information.
Food in School
Healthy Snacks at Playtime
All children in EYFS and KS1 have fruit provided for them to eat at morning playtimes so do not need to bring a snack to school. KS2 children may bring a small healthy snack: either a piece of fruit, chopped up vegetables or dried fruit if they wish.
Water Bottles in School
All children should have a labelled bottle in their classroom with plain water. The bottles should be taken home daily to ensure they are washed regularly at home. Children are not allowed flavoured water, fruit juice or fruit squash because plain water is healthier for their teeth. Although some children claim they do not like water, we have found with positive support we can encourage and persuade children to drink it happily. Please come and talk to us if your child may need support.
Milk is also available in school, please ask at the office if you would like to find out how to order direct from our supplier.
Healthy Packed Lunches
There are lots of food options available for lunch boxes. However, it can sometimes be difficult to decide which foods are healthy choices. Suggestions include:
– Fruit – at least one portion of fruit. Best choices include fresh or tinned fruit. Dried fruit is sticky and high in sugar, so have it occasionally.
– Vegetables – at least one portion of vegetables. Try vegetable sticks with dip or a small container with mixed vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, pepper and cucumber
– Milk, yoghurt and custard – milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, or calcium fortified soya products. Reduced sugar versions of these should be used where possible. Fruit yoghurts should be kept cool in an insulated lunch box.
– Dips, cheese and biscuits – cheese and crackers are a great idea for packed lunches. Dips like chickpea (houmous), cucumber or yoghurt (tzatziki) make good spreads too.
– Different breads add interest – include a variety of bread, especially if children begin to lose interest in sandwiches. Try bread rolls, pita bread, flat bread, bagels, fruit loaf or buns, foccacias, scones, savoury muffins, crispbreads or rice cakes.
– Vary the fillings – fillings can include vegemite or other yeast extracts, cheese (try different types), tuna, egg, sliced cold meats, chopped roast meat with pickles or chutney, and avocado. Packed lunches should not include chocolate spread as a sandwich filling.
– Drinks – water, pure fruit juice (no added sugar), semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, reduced fat and sugar yoghurt, milk drinks or smoothies are great ideas for a lunchtime drink. Fizzy/sugary drinks in cartons, bottles or cans (including diet or energy drinks which can contain high levels of caffeine and other additives, which are not suitable for children) should not be included in packed lunches at school or on school trips.
– Muffins and cakes – try making your own muffins and cakes as a great way to include more fruit and vegetables. Examples include sultana, carrot, or banana. Confectionery such as chocolate bars and sweets should not be included in packed lunches.
Please can we ask you to include some slow burning – fuller for longer contents in your child’s lunchbox and minimise the sugary ones.
School food guidelines permit one “pud” type item during the school day. For hot dinners this may be a muffin and fruit for example. Anything more than the equivalent of such as dessert in a pupil’s lunchbox may be kept by your child’s teacher and returned at the end of the day. This way we can help children be “learning ready” for the afternoon.