Our uniform provider is Price & Buckland.
We thank you for your cooperation with obliging with our uniform requirements. We believe that a school uniform is important because it:
– looks smart and wears well
– contributes to a sense of belonging
– gives a common purpose
– fosters a feeling of pride
– is cost effective for parents
– acts as a social equaliser
Our school uniform can be ordered directly online using the button below. We encourage parents to buy a jumper or cardigan for your child with the school logo, but feel welcome to purchase trousers/skirts/pinafores elsewhere if appropriate.
Uniform Requirements
– either a grey skirt, grey pinafore dress, grey trousers or shorts.
– a white polo shirt.
– a Billingborough Primary School jumper or cardigan (plain royal blue jumper or a jumper with the school logo).
– in Summer term, a blue gingham dress if desired.
We are keen for the children at our school to lead active lifestyles and so allow trainers to be worn at school. Alternatively, robust and comfortable black school shoes if preferred. Boots are permitted in bad weather but please send a second pair of shoes to change into once inside. Sandals are encouraged in the summer if they are closed toes.
Coats and Jackets
Coats and jackets should be sensible and practical in design and colour, warm, waterproof and able to be fastened.
– watches should be analogue, practical and age appropriate. They can be worn as long as they do not distract from lessons and are worn at the pupil’s own risk. Fitness watches are not permitted unless for medical purposes.
– hats, gloves and scarves should be practical in design and style and not pose any safety hazards.
hair accessories should be royal blue, navy or blue gingham.
– ear piercings should be small and discreet, and may need to be removed or covered during PE lessons.
– makeup, nail varnish, hair gels may be asked to be removed.
– Mobile phones are not permitted in school. If there is a specific reason one is required, please speak to the Office so arrangements can be made.
Bags and Rucksacks
Children need a book bag or equivalent-sized alternative to carry reading books and planners to and from school, and a packed lunch box. Your child’s first book bag will be provided free of charge by the school.
We do not have the space on pegs or in lockers to accommodate large rucksacks or satchels, so staff may ask for these to be taken home if they exceed the space available for daily storage. Overflowing lockers and pegs are a safety hazard.
Pencil Cases are not required, as we provide all the stationery the children need. If brought to school, they will be politely returned.
PE Kit
(NB: Nursery children only require a pair of plimsolls, which are kept in their tray).
– Plain black or navy shorts, Billingborough School round neck white PE T-shirt or plain white round neck T shirt – no logos please.
– Trainers or plimsolls – class teacher will advise which you need, dependent on the lessons & seasons.
– White ankle socks (in winter, if children are wearing tights, please ensure socks are provided for PE).
When the weather is cold, plain black or navy tracksuit trousers may be worn for outside sport with plain trainers. At other times, they will normally be expected to remove these for the actual lesson.
If your child cannot tie laces, please provide Velcro fastening trainers.
Swimming (when applicable)
– One-piece suits or trunks (not baggy shorts or bikinis).
– Swim caps for all children.
Matches and Competitions
School team kit is loaned to children for these events.
Pre-loved Uniform
We regularly accept donations of pre-loved uniform, so please ask at the school office if this is of interest. We also have a limited supply of cardigans and jumpers available to purchase from the school, but this is on a first come first serve basis. Please enquire with Office staff if your size is available and then make the payment through ParentPay.