Writing is actively taught across all lessons both as a discrete skill and in many cross curricular contexts.
In the beginning writing is the transcription of the phonics taught for reading. Correct letter formation and handwriting techniques for later learning are established early. Spellings are taught in sequence as set out in the national curriculum.
Written composition begins with the structure of sentences and the early skills linked to planning, writing and checking their own work. Wherever practical we teach writing as a life skill embedded in range of real contexts that tie in to class topics and themes. In order that children write with accuracy and correctly we teach new vocabulary, grammar and punctuation in line with the age related expectations set out in the national curriculum.
At Billingborough Primary School we believe that children need good models of writing to support them to produce their own high-quality work. Therefore we follow invest a lot of time exploring WAGOLL examples and developing writing skills. Children complete extended pieces of writing by planning (through discussion of key success criteria), drafting, editing and publishing.
We also use The Write Stuff to teach writing as it allows us to use engaging stories as inspiration and a starting point for the children’s writing.
We teach grammar within the context of what we are writing, often exploring real-life examples from published authors to understand how they have manipulated grammar to make their writing effective and interesting.
At Billingborough, in Early Years and Key Stage 1, we incorporate the Talk for Writing model into the teaching of writing. Children are taught writing skills through studying a range of both fiction and non-fiction texts including teacher produced models. In addition, in Key Stage 1 and 2, picture books, chapter books and topic work are used as a stimulus for writing.
During their time at Billingborough, children are given opportunities to write for a range of purposes and audiences, given them exposure to circumstances where they need to adapt their vocabulary and overall formality to suit the purpose of what they are writing.
The national curriculum has very clear expectations for spelling. Beginning with phonics in Reception up to specific word lists for key stage 2.
Children at Billingborough follow a programme of spellings which are shared at school, practised at school and at home and then tested. The words are revisited over time to ensure they are remembered. Most classes use the look, cover, write, check method to practise.
If you have questions about spellings talk to your class teacher who will be able to help.
Regular practise is essential to be an accurate speller, especially for those words which cannot be “Sounded out”, such as B E A U T I FU L or S A I D – these need good old fashioned learning off by heart. Please help you child master this critical skill.
Not all children easily retain spellings learnt. Some may learn them for a test but then forget them when writing independently.
If your child is finding remembering words a challenge then little and often is the best way to help. Also flash cards, on line games or Apps can be very helpful.